Responsonding To The Call Of Servanthood

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13

This section may be a carry-over from the section on Work. When we do our work, we are serving someone. Either a boss, a co-worker, a neighbor, friend or family member. Servanthood is not a call to slavery, but a call to helping someone else in need. To serve is not to be less than someone, or some kind of slave. To serve is to fill a need, to be a part of God's plan in doing God's work.

When we work, or put into a position of helping somebody else, there is a way that the Bible says we should view such a calling. Being able to serve someone is one of the reasons that God created us in his likeness. Jesus was not sent to earth to be served, but to be a servant to man, to us, and to God. His life on earth, living among men, was to show us how to respond to the missions of others.

The more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. To be the greatest, be a servant. But those who think themselves great shall be humbled; and those who humble themselves shall be exalted. Matthew 23:11

In looking at servanthood, we need to compare God's pattern for living versus the world's view.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28
He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds Titus 2:14

A ransom was a priced paid to free a slave. The Lord was the price paid to free us from the bondage of sin. We are either a slave to sin, or a slave to the Lord Jesus Christ. God sent His son to be the greatest servant. His mission was:

When we are asked to do something for someone, but it's not what we want to do at the time, if the task is honest, just, honorable, Godly, we, as followers of Christ, have no right to turn that request down. To be Christian is to be Christ like. If Jesus Christ was willing to serve us, by doing what we can not do ourselves, and that is opening the door to eternal life, what right do we have in turning down an honest request.

In serving others, there are some Biblical principles that can be followed:

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